Friday, April 07, 2006

Ricci As Didi, No More!

Ricci Chan won't be doing any show dates for Zsazsa Zaturnnah: Ze Muzikal Repeat these last two weeks of April! It would be Joey Paras who would take over his role. Sad to say, there won't even be any alternate dates for him.

He'd be truly missed, that's for sure! He was the life the show during its first run. It'd be a huge disappointment for the second-timers to see the play without him. It'd be like watching Miss Saigon without Ms. Lea.

Anyway, Joey would be a welcome addition to the cast. Id' take Sir Vince's words that he is "equally talented and hilarious" as Ricci's version of Didi! *sigh*

To Ricci, san ka man pumunta, suportahan taka! Thank you for your e-mail replies. :-)

(Picture taken from Ricci's Friendster account)


Anonymous said...

Dun ako sa mas MESTIZA,mas SEXY....mas malalim UMARTE...hindi yung parang kinuha lang sa ZIRCO or CLOWNS ARANETA kung umarte!!! KAY JOEY PARAS AKOOOOO!!!!! MAS MATANGKAD NA MAS MAGANDA PA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

RICCI was fired from RENT....may attitude problem kasi....PANDAK NAMAN....kamukha pa ni DESSA...nagmamaganda!!!????

Kawawa naman....

Anonymous said...

We dont care....even if PONG PAGONG portrays DIDI...what we care about is the artistic statement of the play....Did Ricci contribute anything to the ENSEMBLE??