Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Review: Covers Volume 2

Regine: Covers Volume 2

I don't usually make CD reviews but I feel like making one with this release! When I learned about this follow-up to the 2004 "Covers" album, I was disappointed. To begin with, "Covers" isn't that good of an album to make a follow-up to it. Besides, I feel that doing an all revival album is already passe! Big artists like Regine need not do so many albums of such genre. Leave it to new artists or bands to thrash classic hit songs from the 70's to the 90's. Isn't it enough that she already have 4 all revival albums before this one?

Anyway, when we thought that she couldn't do any thing worst than her previous albums, she outdid herself this time! An album to top them all! An icing to the cake! A cherry on top of the ice cream! The truth is, you need not hear the album itself to feel that there is something terribly wrong with this one. Just looking at the song list, you would know that you are doomed for failure!

Everything could go wrong when you put together Al Green's sexy "Let's Stay Together", Elvis Presley's rock "Blue Suede Shoes" and Beatles's "Come Together", Paula Abdul's dance tune "Straight Up", and Alanis Morissette's alternative "Head Over Feet"! My question is, what happened to the concept of this album?! Not only that the songs don't jive together, they were not even arranged well! It wasn't as if this is a Michael Bubble album where all the songs were turned into jazz form! Even that could be a dangerous ground and one may not succeed depending on the arrangement of the songs. It feels as if Regine sung them all in videoke and decided to put them in an album altogether!

What has happened to you, Miss Velasquez? How did you become the songbird from "Ninety-90" to this mediocre "Covers" artist? It's sad that fans would excitedly buy this album only to hear crap one after another! Don't just rely on giving us a few gems in your albums (like How Could You Leave from "Drawn", Dadalhin from "Reign", and Mahal na Mahal Kita from "Covers"). Bring back the glory days of "Regine" (the first album), "Ninety-90," "Reason Enough," and "Listen Without Prejudice"! If you need to move out of Viva, do so! If that would mean you'd be giving us great albums once more!

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