Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pinoys Abroad

In the news a few days ago were about these two domestic helpers working in Lebanon. They came back to the Philippines in a stretcher because they became paralyzed. Apparently, the fell off the terraces of their employer's houses. These two are different cases. They do not know each other. But somehow, I know that their situations are connected to each other.

I was thinking, why can't the RP government investigate on this? As it turned out, before these two cases, there were other six same situations that happened in the same country! Most of their employers would either reason out that their helpers either fell or jumped out of their verandas. Wtf?! Do these Lebanese think that Filipinos are so stupid that we tend to fell off terraces? Do they think that it's our first time to look down or up from that angle that we tend to get so excited and fell off? What was that? An "oops" moment?!

I hope that our government would really look into this and protect our fellow Filipinos against these incidents. Whether they fell or jumped out doesn't matter. There must be a grave reason why these things have happened. If they look into it, I'm very sure that falling won't be part of the answer. If they jumped, then something must be wrong. Who in the right mind would jump three or more stories up when they know that they could lose their lives? Before the numbers rise up, I hope that they could do something about it.


A 7-yr old Filipino boy in Canada experienced discrimination from his school just because he uses fork and spoon while eating. His principal reasoned out that the boy should learn to eat the Canadian way -- using just a fork. Because of this experience, the boy didn't want to go to school anymore and refuses to eat. When his parents confronted the principal about it, the prinicipal said that eating with two utensils is uncivilized and "nakakadiri"! He also added that their kid shouldn't act like a pig! Eating with fork and spoon or chopsticks is unintelligent. There's no other way but using just a fork!

Oh yeah? Why don't we, Pinoys, stick all forks up in his ass so he could come to his senses?! If he finds eating with both utensils "kadiri", what more if he sees us eat with our bare hands?! He might get a heart attack!

Seriously, though, it isn't funny at all! As Filipinos, we have experienced enough prejudices and discrimination! Questioning the way we eat our food is too much already! It is but right for Pinoys in Canada to sue that bastard and protest with what he did and say!

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