Thursday, July 21, 2005

Cry Me A River/So-Called Friends

Forgive me for not posting anything light lately. These past few months were quite tough on me. Remember when I said that I would just bawl out like crazy anytime soon? Well, it happened. I saw this film called When I Turned Nine earlier. This film was really a tearjerker! Anyway, I'd expected to cry because I wanted to. I've been feeling kinda low and I wanted some release. Only that after the movie, I couldn't stopped crying. It was not that long but I did cry buckets. I'm not sure if that was all already or there's more to come.

I've so many thoughts lately. For the past few nights, I've been dreaming about my friends back when we were in school. Because part of my worries were them. For one thing, I'm really bothered with how my close friend who's in US reacted to my favor. If I am in her position, I'd gladly do a favor for her. That's what friends are for, right? I don't wanna think about it but could it be that having a life in US changed her? Does the scent of success somewhat turn her into an airhead? I refuse to think so but what else could it be? Till now, I haven't spoken to her. Neither does she update me re the arrival my stuffs.

Another thing, remember my close friend who's working in Indonesia? The one who came home and left again without telling me? Well, three days after I learned his visit, his wife contacted me and told me that her husband is about to leave. If I want to, I may call him at home. That hurt me the most. All the while, I thought that he left already. I never imagined that he was still here and didn't even bother to send me even just a message! From Sunday to Wednesday, couldn't we have get together for a while? Or at least have a conversation on the phone? Because of that, I didn't bother saying goodbye, as well. I hope he gets my point. If he (and his wife) doesn't, then let it be! Does the scent of success give you partial amnesia?

Then, this former student of mine who was so sweet to me before because he was asking to give him a break with his attendance. He was trying out his luck in being the ultimate winner in Star Circle Quest Batch 2. During the contest, he was kind enough to update me with what's happening. Before the semester ended, he gave a yellow polo as a thank you gift. But when he became part of the Fab 5, communication stopped. His replies to my messages went from seldom to never. Does the scent of success make one incommunicado? Sus, may pasulat-sulat ka pa dati!

People who rarely communicate with friends almost always tell you that they were just busy as an excuse. For me, it is bullshit! For people who really want to keep in touch with friends, nothing is impossible! With new technologies today, a simple "Hi" would reach someone immediately. Would texting "Hi" used an hour or so of someone's time? Besides, how busy is busy? Would being so busy mean that one can't even sleep or eat anymore because of work? Or at least get some rest for a while? "I'm busy" is such a crap!

My best friend, Than-than, has been wanting to come here for two days now but I keep on telling him that I wasn't home. I don't feel like having some company around, except for Biboy, in case he drops by.

That's it for now. My head aches because of the crying I did...

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