Monday, July 11, 2005


I shed tears while I was in church today. I sincerely asked God to help us with the turmoil that I feel are coming to us. I know that we need not fear the future because He will surely take care of it. But I just couldn't help but feel concern about it. It's mid-2005 and me and my family need to find ways to survive the year and the coming years. What stressed me out, though, was when dad told me that mom is starting express her anxiety about what's coming ahead.

With that, I felt upset during the rest of the day. Further, a close friend of mine who is in Indonesia working came home recently and didn't tell me. His wife apologized that they weren't able to contact me. She only did so when I sent her a message asking when her husband would be coming home. I have wondered, if I didn't ask, would I receive any apologies? Did they ever think of meeting me while he was here and just forgot about it? Or they really have forgotten me?

I thought that was the end of it. I received an e-mail from another close friend of mine saying that I should have told her about my plans before going through it. She added that they were having problems lately. Okay, I understand it. However, it was the way she said it. As if my request was really too much of a burden for them. Considering that this was the second time that I've asked a favor from them. Aside from that, couldn't she understand that they are my only means to get those stuffs? If I have other ways, I wouldn't bother asking them for help. But what are friends for, right?

Don't worry, this is the last time I would ask something from you. And as what I told you, I'd pay for any excess baggage on your part because of my stuffs. If you are having problems because of the taxes you need to pay, then put yourself in our shoes! You have the money, we don't!

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