Thursday, June 09, 2005

On a Rainy Thursday/MPG Premiere

It's Thursday. It's raining. I woke up feeling kinda low. It's not that I didn't sleep well. In fact, I did. The weather was just perfect for a great sleep. It's not that I'm feeling so bad with the ongoings in my life the way I did a few weeks back 'cause I don't. I have this review and interview to be busy about (and hopefully get compensated with). So I guess, it must be the weather. It is keeping me down. I don't know why 'cause I didn't have any problems naman with rain. I love it pa nga. Even Angel's moods aren't so high. I called her at Biboy's and she was crying. Perhaps she has been missing us. She's not like that especially during the day so it must be the weather. Oh, this feeling is making me want to go out and watch movies! Or buy some Korean DVDs. Only that I don't have much cash on me. Normally, I wouldn't worry about the cash since we'd be receiving orders by next week. However, I'd need the cash by Monday for the interview. I couldn't afford to not have any money by that day. Oh man, I saw the later parts of Dahil Mahal na Mahal Kita and I swear, I almost cried! See, it's the weather!

What's quite stressful, though, was yesterday's events. Biboy got the Pink Festival passes. They were two and they were supposed to be for any movie. Actually, we could even see all the movies in the festival provided we see each movie once. BUT, the passes were valid from June 1-June 7 only! I have asked Angelo about it and he told me to contact Progay Philippines' president, Oskar Atadero. So I did. Oskar suggested that I'd go to the opening of the festival later in the day (with the showing of Mga Pusang Gala) because he could get me in. With the rest of the movies, he couldn't guarantee that I could get in. Anyway, instead of seeing Mr. & Mrs. Smith with dad and Biboy, Biboy and I opted to go to UP Film Insitute and see Formula 17 at 5 PM. By 6:45 PM, we went out and waited for Oskar. Nakapasok na si Biboy and no Oskar in sight! He told he what he was wearing that night but I couldn't find him. Almost 45 minutes had passed and he wasn't even texting despite my two messages for him telling him my location and what I was wearing. Luckily, I heard someone called the name Ellen. I approached her, asked her if she was Direk Ellen and introduced me. Not exactly saying I don't have any tickets, she said that it'd be no problem. She called her husband to accompany me to the guests' line. So I got in! It was only after a few minutes that I got in when Oskar replied saying that he was sitting in front of the admission door! "Sorry," he added. OK, fine. "Hindi ok fine. Opo lang," Angel would've said if she heard me say those words. Hehe. Anyway, I'm glad that Direk Ellen seemed nice. At least I wouldn't feel intimated once I conduct the interview with her.

The night ended with Biboy and I having late dinner in Chowking. I just had wanton noodles and tofu because I couldn't eat well, still. Btw, we were "HHWW" in UP! T'was nice! :P

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